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Admissions and Transition


We aim to provide first class provision for 2.5-4 year olds, serving both the local and wider community. Our preschool is based within the classrooms of the school. Close links through shared meal times, play times and various events ensure a smooth transition for those children whose parents choose to continue their child’s education at the school. During term time, the Preschool is open all day, five days a week.


We have an admission number of 12 in each year group. We operate mixed year groups in Years 1&2, 3&4 and  5&6. Reception children are taught as an individual group. Children can stay at Wilden VA Primary School until the end of Year 6.

Parents of children due to start primary school in September 2024 will be sent a letter in April 2024 advising them of the school at which a place has been offered.

You can appeal to Wilden School Governors against this decision if you have not been allocated a place.

The school must receive your appeal by May 2024. If your appeal is received after this date and cannot be added to an already scheduled hearing, it will be heard at a later date. Your appeal will be heard by Friday 19th July 2024. 

You will receive email confirmation (or by letter if you have no email address) within 5 working days that your appeal has been received and we will write to you (by letter or email) after May 2024 to tell you the date, time and venue of your appeal hearing. You will be given at least 10 school days' notice of your appeal hearing.

Starting School in Reception

Reception children will be invited to school for an induction visit near to their start date. Spending time in the class starts to prepare them for their time in school as well as giving them an opportunity to get to know their teachers and class mates. On the day of the transition visit parents can purchase school jumpers, cardigans, and PE tops from the School Office.

Our Reception teachers also offer a home visit to meet parents and children in their familiar settings. At these informal meetings the teachers discuss the likes and dislikes of the child with the parent and starts to give them an idea of what life at Wilden School is like.

Although the entitlement is for full time education children can start Reception by attending 5 mornings and 2 afternoons. As the children become settled and adjusted full time provision is discussed with the Class Teacher and parents.

Our Reception Class operates a free flow system which allows children to explore learning and play both indoors and outdoors in a safe environment.

In Year Transitions 

In year applications no longer have to be co-ordinated by the Local Authority in which the child lives.  You must apply to the school or the Local Authority where the school is.  

If you move into the area during the school year or you wish to change your child’s school, you will need to complete an  In-Year Application Form.

Before completing the application form please read the In-Year Admissions Guidance Notes  which explains the arrangements for applying for a school place.

If you are applying on Religious Grounds, please remember to complete the appropriate Confirmation of Religious Affiliation Form, which is part of the In-Year application form.

The In-Year Application Form is  available from schools or from the School Admissions Service.

If you need any further advice or help in completing any of the application forms you can contact the School Admissions Service:

School Admissions Service
Borough Hall
Cauldwell Street
Bedford MK42 9AP

Moving On

The children transfer from Wilden VA Primary School at the end of Year 6. The Secondary Schools for children who live in this catchment area, dependent on their home postcode, are:

Mark Rutherford School
Wentworth Drive
MK42 8PX

Telephone 01234 290200

Principal: Ms J Bloor

Sandy Academy (Barnfield Sandy Academy)
Engayne Avenue
SG19 1BL

Telephone 01767 680598

Principle: Miss K Hayward

Open evenings are held in both  schools for the children who will be transferring and their parents and these are placed on the school calendar once they become available.


High Street, Wilden, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK44 2PB

01234 771313